If you know me, you know that I LOVE Jamboard. I am so thankful that my district purchased one for me this year. Although there are a few features I still need to explore, I learn something new every time I use it, and I fall in love with it even more.
I have covered Jamboard several times on my show, The Suite Talk, with guests like Tom Mullaney, Steven Hope, Kassie Drey, Philip Goodrich, Ashley Stout, and Emily Bruns. Its no surprise that my PLN has embraced this new cutting edge app/tool and use it in their schools and classrooms too. I learn a new tip or trick from these experts by following them on Twitter.
I wanted to share the love of Jamboard with a broader audience, so I created the Ideaboard for Jamboard resource. The purpose of my ideaboard is to promote Jamboard, support others who are using, inspire others who are unfamiliar with it, and to learn and share ideas with my audience.
It offers an introduction to Jamboard, ideas on using it in the classroom, and allows you to share your idea too. Each idea is hyperlinked to a Google Slideshow that includes a learning goal, how it is aligned, examples and templates.
Some of templates were created by Philip Goodrich from BenQ. If you like any of those templates, you can download them as an image by clicking on the link in the slide, then inserting it as a background image in your Jam. The examples posted are taken from my some of experiences in the classroom and during training sessions.
![Bitmoji Image](https://render.bitstrips.com/v2/cpanel/babe2cdc-f97b-4cb5-b869-e73cc05b5a0e-a944be3a-7b0d-4072-bb39-abf004402a07-v1.png?transparent=1&palette=1)
Please feel free to look at the IdeaBoard for Jamboard. If you are using Jamboard in the classroom, please share your idea with me and help me #PayitForward and help other educators integrate technology into the classroom. This information can be found on my website, The Suite Talk, www.thesuitetalk.com
You can also visit The Suite Talk, and watch past episodes about Jamboard. My show is available as a podcast too. Visit my website and click on the 'Subscribe' page to stay up to date on the latest episodes.
Listen to The Suite Talk podcast on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcast, and on Google Play Music.