Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Sixth grade students needed to create an avatar of a person they were researching in Language Arts.  I know I could have introduced Voki and have the students copy and embed the HTML code into their presentation tool, but I decided to try something new.  So, I gave it a shot, and introduced Clayyourself.  Clayyourself is a web tool that will allow you to create an avatar or character.  You can create a character without your students having an account.

I had the students go to Clayyourself and pick the attributes and characteristics for their avatar.  They can select a hair style, eyes, eye brows, nose, mouth, include accessories, clothing, and color traits.  When the students were done with their character, they used Windows snip it tool to crop their character and save it as a file to their home drive.

At this point, they were able to insert the image into their Voicethread or Powerpoint file.  This is a sample of  an avatar from Clayyourself.

Have your students try it!  It is very simple, and believe me, your students will enjoy it.  Most of all, they will be engaged!