Tuesday, July 11, 2017

5 New Updates to Google Forms

Today, the Google Forms team released updates to its app.  All of the updates will help improve productivity, but the one I like the most is the ability of having all consumer users the option to upload a file to a Google Form.  Previously, this option was available to G Suite for Education users.

Another update is having intelligent response validation.  This feature will allow you to quickly add a validation to a forms question.  For example, if you know the answer to the question should be an email address, there is an option to allow email addresses.  It uses machine language to predict your validation.

Another new feature to Forms is having the ability to set up default values when creating new Forms. This is a huge time saver.  This can be found in the Preference menu and can be applied to all new Forms that are created.

Furthermore, you have the option to rearrange header sections.  Now you can quickly and easily rearrange sections in your Forms.

The last update is having the ability to use a checkbox grid question.  This new question type will allow you to select multiple options in a category.  An example of this can be used for scheduling.

I am excited about all of these new features and can't wait to start using them.

To read more about this update, please visit the G Suite for Education blog page.