Being the social media advisor for our school is a huge responsibility in which I take very seriously. I am truly honored to be featured in the article with Mr. Santilli. I am also thankful to be granted this role and responsibility for ultimately being the "voice" of our school. We try to incorporate a voice for everyone while branding and communicating with the school community. We often improve our workflow to make it more efficient, and to accommodate the audience in the changes that are always evolving with technology.
As a Technology Integration Coach at the +William Davies Middle School, I am most proud of our technology and feel it is one of our strongest aspects. Using social media in our school has been successful because of teamwork. I am fortunate that I work with an administration and staff who has an open mind and strives to be on the cutting edge with technology. I am very proud to be part of the #WeAreDavies family, and also proud for our social media presence for our school.
Click here to read the article, " Framework for Educators: Leveraging Free Social Media to Brand and Communicate" in the Educational Viewpoints publication, page 68.
Follow us on Twitter:
Stephen Santilli, Lead Learner/Principal
Kim Mattina , Technology Integration Coach/Social Media Advisor
NJPSA (New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association)
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Thank you Steve!