Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Digital Portfolios

As a Technology Integration Coach in a middle school, I am required to assess all 8th grade student's knowledge of technology literacy, based on the NJTAPIN rubric, New Jersey Technology Assessment for Proficiency and Integration.  (Please refer to the rubric for type of skills being assessed.)  I have to check their network files for specific skills that are required and grade their work accordingly.  They will be graded as advanced proficient, proficient, partially proficient or novice.   Because I have to assess over 300 students, I am requiring them to create a digital portfolio.

Having them create a digital portfolio will make it much easier for me to assess their technology skills.  I created a template using PowerPoint and provided information on what skills need to be included, what applications may have been used, and instructions on how to embed/insert objects and links into the slides.

Once the students have completed their digital portfolio, then all I have to do is open up their template and check to see if they inserted the information that I required.  I used PowerPoint to create my template because I feel most of the students are already familiar with this application.  Plus, I do teach them new features of PowerPoint including, how to create a PowerPoint show, insert links with descriptive text to display and embed objects. In addition, they will learn how to use a screen capture tool, such as Windows Snipping Tool.  I find many students are not familiar with these features of PowerPoint and/or the Windows Snipping Tool.

I will follow up on this post when the students have completed their digital portfolios.  I am requiring them to complete the portfolio by April.  This will give me enough time to go assess all of the 8th grade student's digital portfolios and fill out the appropriate paper for each student before my deadline in June.