Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tech Tip Tuesday: Restore Data in GAFE

A student who is using Google Apps for Education at the +William Davies Middle School, accidentally deleted all of her files and folders in her Google Drive.  Being the Google Apps for Education administrator, I was able to restore her data successfully.  If you are in a situation similar to this, you would need to contact your Google Apps for Education administrator.  

Note, this is only valid for an account within the Google Apps for Education domain, not in a personal gmail account.

Here are the steps to complete this task:
  1. Login to the Google Apps for Education Administrator Dashboard
  2. Find the user in the domain
  3. Open up the details screen about the user, (the student name has been blocked out)
  4. Click on the 'Restore Data' button as shown below 
  5. Enter a date range to restore from.  You are limited to a 10 day time span.
  6. When it is completed, all of the user data specified in the date range is restore.