Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tech Tip Tuesday: Chatting in Google Docs

Google Apps for Education is a great tool to use with students, teachers, and peers. Teachers need professional development on these tools so they can implement them successfully. Students also need instruction on them.  However, students adjust much quicker to change than most adults do, and, they embrace technology.  It is perfectly fine for teachers to ask students for technology assistance in class.  Chances are, the students may know the answer!  So, what that said, I cannot stress enough professional development for teachers!  

To meet the needs of staff at the +William Davies Middle School, I create many screen casts, animations using .gifs, provide professional development every week Tuesday, and create many resources for staff to reference.  For example, I use Google Classroom as a PD class, and I post many resources in there. I also update my webpage with resources and provide support through email and phone conversations.  

I recently created two screen casts that I would like to share.  They are focused on using Google document chatting features for appropriate and educational purposes.  Please keep in mind that with any collaboration tool, classroom management must be enforced by the teacher.  Meaning, the classroom teacher needs to monitor students online activity. Teachers must go over student expectations and hold students accountable.  Teachers need to model good citizenship by using technology correctly, especially the chatting tools.

Although it may be difficult for teachers to "keep up" with student's who are tech savvy, they need to be aware these "side conversations" may occur.  They may distract students from the educational task at hand.  

However, when these features are used appropriately, the tools will have a tremendous impact on student achievement.  This is why I feel it is important to share these videos with you.  I hope you find them helpful.

Inappropriate Use of GAFE Document Chatting